
Staggering e-waste numbers revealed in grim new report

Last year, we “smart” humans threw away 44.7 million metric tonnes of things with a plug or battery – everything from refrigerators and television sets to solar panels and mobile phones. To put that in more visual terms, imagine 1.23 million 18-wheel trucks filled to capacity with e-waste – enough trucks to line up bumper-to-bumper from New York to Bangkok and back. (A metric tonne is equal to around 1.1 US tons, or about 2,204 pounds.)

Given that we generated 8 percent more than we did just two years prior, things aren’t looking very good. And in fact, according to a new UN-backed report, we can expect to see a further 17 percent increase of e-waste, to 52.2 million metric tonnes, by 2021. E-waste is the fastest growing part of the world's domestic waste stream.

The new report, Global E-waste Monitor 2017 is a group effort between the United Nations University (UNU), represented through its Sustainable Cycles (SCYCLE) Programme hosted by UNU's Vice-Rectorate in Europe, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA). The basic gist is that falling prices have made electronics affordable for most people worldwide; meanwhile, people in wealthier countries are being increasingly lured to buy early equipment replacement or new things altogether.

Here’s how it looks by the numbers:

9: The number of great pyramids that are equal in weight to the amount of e-waste generated last year.

20 percent: The amount of that e-waste that was recycled in 2016.

4 percent: The amount of 2016 e-waste known to have been thrown into landfills.

76 percent: The amount of 2016 e-waste that was incinerated, in landfills, recycled in informal (backyard) operations or remains stored in our households.

$55,000,000,000: The value of gold, silver, copper, other high value recoverable materials that were not recovered.

6.1 kilograms (13.4 pounds): The average amount of e-waste generated globally per person in 2016.

11.6 kilograms (25.5 pounds): The average amount of e-waste generated in the Americas per person in 2016.

17 percent: The amount of e-waste recycled in the Americas in 2016.

3: The number of electrical and electronic equipment categories that account for 75 percent of global e-waste by weight, and also expected to see the most growth:

Small equipment, like vacuum cleaners, microwaves, ventilation equipment, toasters, electric kettles, electric shavers, scales, calculators, radio sets, video cameras, electrical and electronic toys, small electrical and electronic tools, small medical devices, small monitoring and control instruments.Large equipment, like washing machines, clothes dryers, dish-washing machines, electric stoves, large printing machines, copying equipment, photovoltaic panels).Temperature exchange equipment, like refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, heat pumps.

7.4 billion: The world population.

7.7 billion: The number of mobile-cellular subscriptions.

36 percent: The number of Americans who own a smartphone, a computer, and a tablet.

2 years: The far end of an average smartphone lifecycle in the USA, China, and major EU countries.

1 million tons: The weight of all the chargers for mobile phones, laptops et cetera, produced each year.

If there's a bright side to this dark mess, it's that more countries are adopting e-waste legislation, the report says, noting that 66 percent of the world's people live in the countries that have national e-waste management laws; an increase of 44 percent since 2014.

Also, although we’re making more and more stuff, some of it is getting smaller. Waste for small IT and telecommunication equipment (mobile phones, GPS, pocket calculators, routers, personal computers, printers, telephones, et cetera) is expected to grow less quickly by weight due to miniaturization.

Likewise, little growth is expected for lamps (fluorescent lamps, high intensity discharge lamps, LED lamps). And as heavy CRT screens for televisions, monitors, laptops, notebooks, and tablets are replaced with flat panel displays, e-waste from this category is expected to decline.

Just as Tom Waits sings, “you can never hold back spring,” so too can we not hold back digital progress. But we most certainly can make an effort to better design components used in electrical and electronic equipment, as well as devise better methods for recycling and recovering. All of which this report calls for.

"We live in a time of transition to a more digital world, where automation, sensors and artificial intelligence are transforming all the industries, our daily lives and our societies,” says Antonis Mavropoulos, President, International Solid Waste Association (ISW). “E-waste is the most emblematic by-product of this transition and everything shows that it will continue to grow at unprecedented rates. Finding the proper solutions for e-waste management is a measure of our ability to utilise the technological advances to stimulate a wasteless future and to make circular economy a reality for this complex waste stream that contains valuable resources. But first, we need to be able to measure and collect data and statistics on e-waste, locally and globally, in a uniform way. The Global E-Waste Monitor 2017 represents a significant effort in the right direction."

And of course, on a consumer level we can fight the cause of the problem: We can treat our equipment as if it were precious, not disposable. We can resist the siren song of shiny new things, take care of what we have, repair when we can and donate when we can't ... and when all else fails, recycle responsibly.



Ciudad Juárez.- La Dirección de Ecología ha logrado reciclar un total de 69 toneladas de residuos electrónicos para evitar que fueran a dar al relleno sanitario y contribuyan a la emisión de gases venenosos, esto lo dio a conocer Jürgen Ganser Carbajal titular de la dependencia.

Informó que las 65 toneladas de aparatos electrónicos fueron acumuladas en los últimos tres meses gracias a la campaña “Juárez Recicla”; mientras el programa “Ponte las Pilas” para el reciclaje de baterías electrónicas ha logrado acumular 4 toneladas.

Explicó que en la campaña Juárez Recicla, personal de la dependencia colocó cuatro centros de acopio con contenedores especiales para la recepción de los residuos, habiendo capacitado al personal responsable sobre el manejo apropiado de estos materiales.

“Cuando una pantalla de televisión o una lámpara se rompe libera un gas dañino para la salud, por eso ofrecimos a los un curso de cuatro horas sobre como reconocer los residuos electrónicos, así como las medidas de control y seguridad en su manejo”, comentó el funcionario.

Los contenedores de Juárez Recicla están ubicados en las estaciones de bomberos número 2 (parque Borunda), número 4 (calles Faraday y Gómez Morín), número 8 (Barranco Azul y Eje Vial Juan Gabriel); y uno más en las oficinas administrativas José María Morelos y Pavón (avenida Lincoln).

Dijo además que la campaña Ponte las Pilas ha recibido muy buena aceptación y participación de la comunidad, quien tomando conciencia del riesgo para el medio ambiente y para la salud contribuyó a reunir 4 mil kilógramos de baterías electrónicas.

Para esto, personal de la Dirección de Ecología colocó un total de 60 contendores para la recepción de baterías en las unidades administrativas “Lic. Benito Juárez” y “José María Morelos y Pavón”, en los campus de la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez y en 50 tiendas de auto servicio.

Las 65 toneladas de aparatos fueron entregados a la empresa Ecorecikla, quien se encargó de reciclar y rehusar los componentes químicos de los residuos; mientras que las baterías fueran trasladadas a Nuevo León para su confinamiento según se informó


Recicladores de residuos electrónicos se transforman en una empresa social

Empezar a andar. Emprendedores que trabajan en el Centro de Convivencia Barrial (CCB) del barrio Molino Blanco y que depende del Distrito Sur, celebraron la firma un convenio de trabajo que permitirá el desarrollo y crecimiento en el reciclado de residuos electrónicos.

En efecto, en el CCB, enclavado en el sur del sur rosarino, funciona, desde 2014, el programa de reciclado de Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos (Raee), el cual firmó un convenio entre la Municipalidad de Rosario y Njambre (ver aparte), con la meta de convertirse en una empresa social.

La tarea del CCB es recibir los residuos electrónicos e informáticos domiciliarios que la Municipalidad recolecta en forma gratuita los últimos viernes y sábado de cada mes y procesarlos.

En este sentido, Antonio Lugo, coordinador del programa explicó que “aquí se recibe el material, se clasifica y se selecciona lo que pueda servir”. Y agregó: “Una parte se utiliza para armar nuevos equipos y el resto se limpia, se manda a moler y con ese producto molido se desarrolla un material reciclado que se vende y genera ingresos”.

Todos los jóvenes que trabajan en este proyecto realizaron una capacitación intensiva de Reciclado de Residuos Informáticos que se dicta en el CCB y que fue el puntapié inicial del proyecto de trabajo.

En este marco, Lugo señaló que “todo esto lo inició el ingeniero Eduardo Rodríguez con un curso de reparación y reciclado de PC, a partir de un convenio de la Municipalidad con el Cecla (Centro de Capacitación Laboral para Adultos)”. “Rodríguez es el profe que todavía da el curso de reciclado y un poco el padre de todos los chicos”, dice Lugo.


En este marco, para el programa y todos los actores involucrados, la concreción del convenio con Njambre es fundamental y el principio de un paso fundamental hacia la concreción de empresa social.

La historia reciente señala que el pasado 28 de abril fue un día clave para los recicladores de Molino Blanco, ya que la intendenta de Rosario Mónica Fein y el secretario de Economía Social, Nicolás Gianelloni, firmaron el acuerdo tripartito con Njambre y el CCB.

Así, el compromiso es, en el plazo de un año, convertir el espacio en una empresa social basada en el reciclado de residuos informáticos y electrónicos, generando un modelo de negocio sustentable que cuide el medio ambiente y cree condiciones de trabajo dignas.

Esto significa la posibilidad de ampliar el espacio físico pero sobre todo de emplear más jóvenes de manera continua.

“Eso es el objetivo de la institución. Para nosotros es una apuesta muy fuerte porque queremos que los chicos salgan del curso y puedan formar parte de una empresa social, darles una permanencia y estabilidad. Queremos llegar a tener al menos diez pibes laburando”, remarcó Horacio Garbulla, coordinador general del CCB.

Por su parte, Lugo precisó que “la idea es acaparar todo el reciclado de residuos informáticos domiciliarios que recolecta la Municipalidad y que todos esos beneficios queden acá”.

Además, planean ofrecer el mismo servicio a gran escala, para empresas y comercios, y contar con una molienda propia que les permita no tener que tercerizar parte del proceso de reciclado.

“Los chicos han descubierto capacidades y virtudes que no pueden quedar sin explotar. Desde acá hacemos todo para que no se alejen. Por eso, en el mientras tanto, buscamos llevar la mayor cantidad de potenciales emprendedores al programa Rosario Emprende y acompañarlos en ese proceso”, cuenta Garbulla.

El desarrollo del programa de reciclaje de Raee es sólo una de las aristas en las que se trabaja en el CCB de Molino Blanco desde el 2014. Allí también se dictan capacitaciones en panadería y panificación, carpintería, electricidad domiciliaria, además de las de reciclaje y operador de PC. “Además, hay talleres de graffiti y pintura, ajedrez, artes urbanas (circo) y clases de gimnasia”, enumera Garbulla.

Y agregó: “Estamos muy bien y tanto los talleres como las capacitaciones están al ciento por ciento. Cada capacitación tiene alrededor de 15, 16 personas”.

En este marco, el coordinador general del CCB señaló: “Todos funcionan en el marco del programa provincial Nueva Oportunidad para que los chicos reciban una beca y trabajamos con la Secretaría de Economía Social para lograr la inserción laboral después de la formación. Los cursos relacionados a la informática son los que más marcan la identidad del espacio. Ahí los chicos tienen el incentivo de que durante el taller se arman su propia computadora”.

Finalmente, Garbulla remarcó: “El desafío es importante, nosotros queremos que crezca. Que este sea para el barrio el lugar donde estén los pibes”. Una definición conceptual de cara a un futuro complejo.

War on waste: Why we should recycle our old mobile phones

Got a drawer at home that is storing a few of your old mobile phones?

You're not alone.

There are more than 23 million unused phones in Australia according to industry-funded recycler MobileMuster, and they represent a large amount of natural resources that could be recycled.

In fact, each unused phone presents 23 million opportunities to reuse valuable metals, University of Adelaide professor Derek Abbott said.

"As we get more and more advanced devices, there are more unusual elements being used," he said.

"The most advanced Intel microchips use an element in them called hafnium, which is a rare element."

MobileMuster estimates 62 per cent of Australians keep their mobile phones for two years.

One in six reuse or re-gift their phone; of the remainder, only 12 per cent decide to recycle it.

"It's been estimated that if I were to randomly grab one million mobile phones and extract all the gold out of them, there would be over 30 kilograms of gold in there," Professor Abbott said.

In the same amount of phones, Professor Abbott said, there would be more than 300 kilograms of silver.

"The copper would be over 10 tonnes."

Professor Abbott said although the amounts of recoverable per device was small, the overall material available to be recycled from unused phones was massive.

"There are many rare elements in there, and these resources do get stretched.

"It's probably getting to a point where it is cheaper to recycle than it is to dig up more ore and search for this stuff.

"If you had a tonne of old iPhones, the density of gold in there, although it is tiny, is actually 300 times more than in the same tonnage of gold ore.

"Mining old phones, in theory, should be cheaper than going out and mining the ore to start with."

MobileMuster is a free mobile phone recycling service, with donation points throughout Australia and prepaid envelopes available from most post offices.

Australians update their mobile phones every two years on average.


Gold processing bacteria help to recycle electronics

Adelaide - There are species of bacteria that efficient at processing of gold ore. Applications include recycling electronics as well as use in exploration for new deposits. A new study demonstrates the advantages.

The study has been undertaken at the University of Adelaide and it has been running for ten years. The focus is with how gold can be dissolved, dispersed and re-concentrated into nuggets by the activities of microorganisms; a process called biogeochemical processing.

One area of interest is how long the cycle takes to complete and whether the process can be optimized, including speeding up the conversion process. This is with a view to industrializing the microbial activity on a larger scale.

The process is described by Dr Frank Reith in a research brief: "In the natural environment, primary gold makes its way into soils, sediments and waterways through biogeochemical weathering and eventually ends up in the ocean."

With the role of microbes, he adds: "On the way bacteria can dissolve and re-concentrate gold - this process removes most of the silver and forms gold nuggets."

The bacterium that undertakes the process most efficiently is calledDelftia acidovorans. The organism has a King Midas-like touch, and this is a natural part of the organism's self-defense mechanism. Dissolved gold is toxic to the organism, so it has evolved a mechanism to turn poisonous ions into harmless gold particles that eventually accumulate outside of the bacterial cell. A second bacterium species called Cupriavidus metallidurans can also produce gold nuggets.

What the researchers hope is to find an economically viable way of performing gold extraction from ore and re-processing old tailings or recycled electronics. At present this process is costly, meaning that many electronic devices simply end up in landfill sites rather than being recycled for their potentially valuable competes.

The reason the process is costly is because it takes considerable amounts of time. This time is very short in geological terms, but it is too long for any person to make it commercially effective. Through the use of high-resolution electron-microscopy, the time taken for the microbial processing is anything between 3.5 and 11.7 years for each stage of the process, meaning that it could be up to 60 years before gold is completely recovered and processed.

However, new insights into the process mean that innovative processing techniques could be achieved and this represents the next phase of the continuing research project.

The research is published in the journalChemical Geology, under the heading "Secondary gold structures: Relics of past biogeochemical transformations and implications for colloidal gold dispersion in subtropical environments."


Overview of E-waste Recycling Market in Global Industry : Technology, Applications, Growth and Status 2017

ResearchMoz presents professional and in-depth study of "Global E-waste Recycling Market Research Report 2017".

In this report, the global E-waste Recycling market is valued at USD XX million in 2016 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2022, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2016 and 2022.

Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of E-waste Recycling in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), covering
United States
South Korea

Global E-waste Recycling market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players including
Stena Techno World
Eletronic Recyclers International
CIMELIA Resource Recovery

On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into
Infocomm Technology (ICT) Equipment
Home Appliances

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On the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate of E-waste Recycling for each application, including

Table of Contents

2 Global E-waste Recycling Market Competition by Manufacturers
2.1 Global E-waste Recycling Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)
2.1.1 Global E-waste Recycling Capacity and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)
2.1.2 Global E-waste Recycling Production and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)
2.2 Global E-waste Recycling Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)
2.3 Global E-waste Recycling Average Price by Manufacturers (2012-2017)
2.4 Manufacturers E-waste Recycling Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type
2.5 E-waste Recycling Market Competitive Situation and Trends
2.5.1 E-waste Recycling Market Concentration Rate
2.5.2 E-waste Recycling Market Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers
2.5.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion

3 Global E-waste Recycling Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2012-2017)
3.1 Global E-waste Recycling Capacity and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)
3.2 Global E-waste Recycling Production and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)
3.3 Global E-waste Recycling Revenue (Value) and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)
3.4 Global E-waste Recycling Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)
3.5 United States E-waste Recycling Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)
3.6 EU E-waste Recycling Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)
3.7 China E-waste Recycling Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)
3.8 Japan E-waste Recycling Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)
3.9 South Korea E-waste Recycling Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)
3.10 Taiwan E-waste Recycling Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)

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4 Global E-waste Recycling Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2012-2017)
4.1 Global E-waste Recycling Consumption by Region (2012-2017)
4.2 United States E-waste Recycling Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)
4.3 EU E-waste Recycling Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)
4.4 China E-waste Recycling Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)
4.5 Japan E-waste Recycling Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)
4.6 South Korea E-waste Recycling Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)
4.7 Taiwan E-waste Recycling Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)


Peru's illegal gold mines are devastating the Amazon rain forest

Peru's illegal gold mines are devastating the Amazon rain forest

QUINCE MIL, Peru — The roads cutting through the Amazon rain forest are lined with signs encouraging people to protect Peru's natural resources and take care of the environment, but people aren’t sure why the government posts them anymore.

Many rivers in Peru run orange with pollution from illegal gold mining, and trees were cut away to make room for sifting towers and excavators.

Peru, the largest gold producer in Latin America and the sixth largest in the world, has long struggled with illegal gold mining. Thousands of small, unchecked operations extracting gold from the Amazon are responsible for nearly 200 square miles of deforestation and mercury poisoning to the water so severe that several regions declared a state of emergency last year.

President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski took office in July promising to tackle the problems of "informal," or illegal, mining with an ambitious plan to overhaul antiquated and inefficient government rules. He imposed stricter environmental regulations, streamlined the process to grant permits for legal mines and offered financial incentives for mining operations to submit to government oversight.

But the miners resist those changes because of a thriving black market for gold.

“The whole country is like a Mafia. It’s a big Mafia,” Marcos Llovera, 40, of Cusco, said about the gold mining industry. “How are you going to win against a Mafia? You can’t.”

Llovera runs a mine in this small town of Quince Mil, using one rented excavator and one sifter. He sells the extracted gold to international contacts based in Lima, the country’s capital.

The process left large pockets of the area bald of vegetation, eroded riverbanks and turned the water brown, orange and even a light blue, as Llovera and competing "informal" miners push their excavations deeper into the jungle. This unrestricted mining is the type of activity that Kuczynski is aiming to cut in half by 2021.

Llovera’s mine, like most small operations across Peru, works informally because of an administrative loophole. He received authorization from the federal government to break ground, but can work without oversight because many environmental and operational permits are handled on the regional level.

Miscommunication between government agencies means small mines, such as Llovera's, can operate in bureaucratic limbo while officials scramble to determine which are legal, who is responsible for enforcement, and what to do about pollution produced from the mining.

A law went into effect in March to simplify the process by cutting the required federal permits from six to three. Many other regulations were tweaked to improve oversight of machinery use and access to water, but the number of "informal" mines shows no sign of decreasing.

Kuczynski has tried to persuade miners to submit to government oversight and met with workers in the mineral-rich region of Madre de Dios last year to establish regular talks. But only 114 of 70,000 miners who agreed in September to formalize and become legal have actually done so.

“There’s no willingness to formalize in those mining sectors,” said Julia Cuadros Falla of the environmental advocacy group CooperAcción, which fights illegal mining in Peru. “No one is interested in formalizing.”

Cuadros said attempting to “make deals” with miners and cleaning up the permit process are the wrong approach since environmental exploitation and tax evasion have been key to successful small-scale mining for decades.

She argued that Kuczynski’s administration needs to improve coordination between federal and regional agencies because all levels of the government that try to protect the Amazon have ceased to effectively work together.

Many high-traffic gold trade routes to Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador and Brazil that were shut down since Kuczynski took office have already been replaced by new ones.

“The laws exist, but there isn’t effective action being taken to enforce them,” said Marta Ojeda, an official with the National Forest and Wildlife Service in the Quispicanchi-Cusco District.

She said her office tries to disband mining operations that use unauthorized heavy machinery and fines them for cutting down trees or polluting the water, but such moves often fail to make a lasting impact without coordination with other agencies.

The Peruvian army occasionally comes into the area to blow up unguarded mining equipment, but Ojeda said she never knows when that is going to happen, much less what to do with the destroyed equipment left to rot in the jungle.


Policemen look at the destruction of camps and pumps used for illegal gold mining in Madre de dios

BCCK manages e-waste with environment in mind

KUCHING: Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK) recently enlisted the expertise of Shan Poornam Metals Sdn Bhd (SPM) to manage its ICT waste which included computer monitors and central processing units.

BCCK invests in ICT equipment and facilities and its ICT Department adopted a long-term solution to deal with e-waste.

Electronic scrap components such as CPUs contain harmful components such as lead, cadmium, beryllium or brominated flame retardants.

Recycling and disposal of these components are being undertaken by licensed waste management operators to avoid unsafe exposure and leakage of harmful materials into the environment.

The amount of general waste generated by events hosted at BCCK also warrants proper management. Plastic, glass, aluminium and paper are segregated by BCCK's waste sorting unit prior to collection by SPM, licensed by the Department of Environment (DoE) Malaysia.

"BCCK is committed to managing the waste that goes out from our centre in the safest possible ways. We have the assurance of ISO management systems from appointed vendor SPM to process, salvage and turn our waste into re-useable materials," said BCCK chief executive officer Eric van Piggelen.

SPM and the Japanese International Corporation Agency (JICA) spearhead the recycling and recovery of household e-waste and chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs (chemicals which destroy the Earth's ozone layer), winning numerous awards for innovation and leadership in environmental management solutions.

Among these awards are the Leadership in Renewable Energy & Technology Award by FGCCC and The Leaders International, UAE, Dubai and the Prime Minister's Hibiscus Award 2010/2011 - Special Project on Innovation towards Environmental Solutions.

The company also handles secondary alloy alum ingot and refining of precious group metal (PGM) and copper.

SPM has 500 trained personnel with comprehensive expertise in waste management. The company has various international certifications that validate its waste management processes namely ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, ISO 9001 Quality Management System and OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management.

IISc researchers' ecofriendly way of recycling e-waste

Indian Institute of Science (IISc) researchers have found a novel way to recycle the mounting pile of electronic waste more efficiently and in an environmentally friendly manner. According to the United National Environmental Programme, about 50 million tonnes of e-waste is generated annually across the world.

The new approach is based on the idea of crushing e-waste into nanosize particles using a ball mill at very low temperature ranging from -50 to -150 degree C.

When crushed to nanosize particles for about 30 minutes, different classes of materials - metals, oxides and polymer - that go into the making of electronic items get physically reduced into their constituent phases, which can then be separated without using any chemicals. The use of low-temperature grinding eliminates noxious emission. The results of the study were published in the journal Materials Today.

"The behaviour of individual materials is different when they are pulverised at room temperature. While metal and oxides get mixed, the local temperature of polymer increases during grinding and so the polymer melts instead of breaking," says Dr. Chandra Sekhar Tiwary from Materials Engineering Department at IISc and the first author of the paper. "The polymer starts reacting with the rest of the components and forms a chunk. So we can't separate the individual components."

"The deformation behaviour at low temperature is very different from room temperature. There are two processes that happen when milling. The polymer material breaks but metals get welded, some sort of solid-state welding resulting in mixing; the welded metals again get broken during milling. At low temperature mixing does not happen," says Prof. K. Chattopadhyay from the Materials Engineering Department at IISc and the corresponding author of the paper. There is also a lower limit to which materials can be broken into when e-waste is milled at room temperature. The maximum size reduction that can be achieved is about of 200 nanometre. But in the case of low temperature ball milling the size can be reduced to 20-150 nanometres.

Novel design

The low-temperature ball mill was designed by Dr. Tiwary. The cryo-mill grinding chamber is cooled using liquid nitrogen and a small hardened steel ball is used for grinding the material in a controlled inert atmosphere using argon gas. "The interface remains clean when broken in an inert atmosphere," says Prof. Chattopadhyay.

"One of the main purposes of ball milling [at room temperature] is to mix materials. But in the case of ball milling at low temperature we did not observe any mixing; the individual components separate out really well. We wanted to use this property more constructively. So we took two printed circuit boards from optical mouse and milled them for 30 minutes," recalls Dr. Tiwary.

The polymer becomes brittle when cooled to -120 degree C and ball milling easily breaks it into a fine power. Metals and oxides too get broken but are a bit bigger in size.

The crushed powder was then mixed with water to separate the components into individual classes of materials using gravity. The powder separated into two layers - the polymer floats at the top due to lower density, while metals and oxides of similar size and different density settle at the bottom. The bottom layer when diluted further separated into oxides at the top and metals at the bottom. The oxides and metals were present as individual elements.

"Our low-temperature milling separates the components into single phase components without using any chemicals, which is not possible using other techniques," says Prof. Chattopadhyay. "Our process is scalable and is environment friendly though it uses higher energy."


Electronics recycling program launched in New Brunswick

About 90 per cent of New Brunswickers have end-of-life electronics in their homes, according to EPRA research. (Steve Yeater/Associated Press)


An electronics recycling program aimed at keeping old and unused products out of landfills is now available in New Brunswick.

The Electronic Products Recycling Association, or EPRA, a not-for-profit, industry-led organization, launched the free drop-off program on Thursday.

Residents and businesses will now be able to take electronic waste, such as computers, printers, TVs, and cellphones, to one of 40 authorized drop-off centres across the province, at no charge.

Once collected and sorted, items will be sent to an EPRA-approved recycling plant to remove "substances of concern for proper downstream management."

Recyclable materials, such as metals, plastics and glass, will then be recovered so they can be processed into new products.

Environment Minister Serge Rousselle says the program will help protect the environment and contribute to the province's green economy. (CBC)

The program, approved by Recycle NB in February, will help protect the environment "by making industry responsible for its waste and removing harmful materials from our landfills," Environment and Local Government Minister Serge Rousselle said in a statement.

It will also contribute to the province's green economy, creating jobs, he said.

3,500 tonnes a year

New Brunswick is now one of 10 provinces to adopt the end-of-life electronics recycling program, according to the EPRA.

The programs keep a combined estimated 100,000 metric tonnes of electronic waste out of Canadian landfills each year, said Cliff Hacking, the president and CEO of the recycling group.

The New Brunswick program is expected to divert roughly 3,500 tonnes annually, officials have said.

"Plus, recovered materials go back into the manufacturing of new products so that fewer natural resources are extracted from the environment," said Hacking.

EPRA New Brunswick will work in partnership with electronics manufacturers, distributors and retailers, provincial and municipal governments and consumers to ensure end-of-life electronics are diverted from landfills and recycled in an efficient and responsible manner.


How and Why Your Business Should Recycle Computers

If your small business has any old computers lying around, you might be at a loss about how to dispose of them properly. Recycling tech isn't always as easy as recycling things like paper and aluminum. But it's just as important.

Computers, including desktops, monitors, laptops and other components, contain materials that can be extremely harmful to the environment. And there are plenty of potential benefits for businesses that choose to recycle. Here's more on how and why your small business should recycle its computers.

Savings on New Purchases

There are a few different ways you can recycle computers. But one of the most attractive options for businesses is to trade in old devices with the manufacturer or a retail store when purchasing new ones.

In this case, you can potentially even save some money on your new computer purchases if the old computers are in decent shape. For example, Staples allows you to trade in old tech devices in stores or even send them in by mail. Apple, Dell, Best Buy and more also have similar programs.

The price you get back depends on the condition and type of each device. But in most cases, getting some money back is better than nothing, especially for businesses making expensive new tech purchases.

Access to Refurbished Goods

There are so many tech innovations and improvements making their way into computers on a regular basis. But a lot of the main components used in building those computers remain roughly the same.

So when you recycle computers, you provide raw materials that manufacturers can then use to make refurbished models or even new devices that just use some of those rough materials or recycled components. This can lead to some more affordable options on the market.

Reduced Harmful Waste

When you dispose of computers instead of recycling them, it can do a lot of harm to the environment. Electronic waste is generally dumped into landfills or incinerated. And since computers contain heavy metals like lead and carcinogens, those materials can be extremely detrimental to the air, land, waterways and the environment as a whole.

How to Recycle Computers

Aside from taking your computers to a retail trade-in program or sending them into a manufacturer, you have a few options for recycling computers. You can check with your local recycling center to make sure they accept devices like computers. You can also contact other local computer shops or refurbishing centers to see if they accept devices, even if you don't plan on making new purchases.

Whichever route you decide to take, your computers can do a lot of good when you choose to recycle them. And the materials in them can do a lot of harm to the environment if you just throw them away. So taking the time to trade in or recycle your old computers and other tech devices can be a win-win for your business and the planet.

INFOGRAPHIC: The e-waste problem and how to help

Think of all the electronics in your life: your phone, tv, computer, game systems, USB drives, printers, Blu ray players, even smart devices like switches and home assistants. Now try to picture what happens to all of those things when they die. Over 50 million tons of e-waste are generated every year, and e-waste is nasty stuff. This infographic shows where e-waste ends up, which devices are the biggest culprits and how you can fight the e-waste problem.


HP Inc. Challenges Tech Industry to Come Clean About Electronics Recycling

According to environmental non-profit Basel Action Network (BAN), electronics recycling may not be quite as straightforward as consumers believe. While some electronics are safely dismantled and have their components scrapped or re-used, the recycling process consists of a complex, multi-step supply chain that ends in the developing world, where e-waste is often exported for treatment and oversight is minimal.

BAN indicates that unsafe environmental and labor conditions are common and have a devastating impact on the countries receiving electronics recyclables. Increased transparency, however, could offer a potential solution - and HP Inc. is ready to rise to the challenge.


Peru's Silver Production Surged Early In 2016, Then Suffered Double-Digit Decline in December

Peru started off 2016 with a bang by increasing silver production 14% in the first three months of the year:

The mining production figures in the table (Source: Peru Ministry of Energy & Mines), shows that Peru's silver production in March increased 10% versus the previous year and nearly 14% in the first three months compared to the same period in 2015.

However, during the last quarter of 2016, Peru's silver production started to level off and then declined in November. For example, Peru's silver production declined 2% in November versus the same month last year and even lower by 11% in December:

The highlighted red area shows Peru's silver production declined 11.38% in December versus the same month in 2015, while overall production increased 6.65%. What is interesting to see here is that Peru's strong percentage gain in silver production in the first half of 2016 was cut in half as production leveled off and then declined in November and December versus the same two months in 2015.

According to the data put out by Peru's Ministry of Energy and Mines, the country's silver production will increase from 4,102 metric tons (mt) in 2015 to 4,374 mt in 2016. This is an increase in silver production from 132 million oz (Moz) in 2015 to 141 Moz in 2016.

However, this big surge in Peru's silver production may peak and decline as mining investment has declined significantly over the past three years. When the spot price of all metals were reaching new highs 2011-2013, mining investment in Peru surged to a record high of $9.9 billion in 2013:

Unfortunately, as the commodity and metal prices declined sharply after 2013, investment in Peru's mining industry plummeted. As we can see, Peru's mining investment fell 57% in 2016 versus its peak in 2013... and 44% compared to the prior year.

While overall mining investment has most certainly dropped significantly in the past three years, the biggest decline came in the "Plant Investment" area. Investment in Peru's mining plant capital expenditures fell a stunning 83% from $1.4 billion in 2013 to $234 million last year. This huge decline in Peru's mining investment will have a negative impact on future metals production in the country.

Furthermore, the Silver Institute (using Thomson Reuters GFMS data) forecasts that global silver production will decline 1% in 2016 even with a 6.6% growth in Peru's domestic mine supply. When the U.S. and global markets finally crack, the prices of base metals will continue to decline. Thus, base metal's production will likely start to fall off in the coming years.

This will have a negative impact on global silver production as copper, zinc and lead account for 56% of by-product silver production (2015). A 20% decline in global copper, zinc and lead production, would likely knock off 100 Moz of global silver production. This assumes that copper, zinc and lead by-product silver production of 500 Moz in 2015, would fall 20% to 400 Moz.

Regardless, the world is now reaching peak production in energy and metals. Unfortunately, the downside of the production profile will not be slow and subtle. Rather, we will likely experience something resembling a CLIFF-LIKE decline in the future.


Rural India sells household gold for cash

Who will lead Jayalalithaa's party? Track the turmoil in Tamil Nadu here

KOLKATA: The volume of old gold being recycled in tier-2 and tier-3 cities has risen 50% since January.

A price hike of 6.68% in gold since January and low access to digital transactions are encouraging to recycle their old gold in these areas. Jewellers said people are liquidating gold to take advantage of the price rise, especially during the wedding season. Gold price has risen from Rs 27,570 per 10 gm on January 1 to Rs 29,400 per 10 gm.

"People living in smaller towns are recycling gold to meet the household demand. In these areas, the digital transaction facilities are not adequate to help them purchase gold. Most of them are not used to such transactions. And they do not want to give away the cash in hand. All these factors are forcing them to recycle old gold," said Nitin Khandelwal, chairman, All India Gem & Jewellery Trade Federation.

World Gold Council estimates that 89.6 tonnes of gold was recycled in 2016 compared to 80.2 tonnes in 2015. "The government should come up with a recycled gold policy which will give a direction to people who are willing to offload ancestral gold," said Surendra Mehta, national secretary, India Bullion & Jewellers Association (IBJA).

Nearly 25,000 tonnes of idle gold are locked up in Indian households. Saurabh Gadgil, managing director, PNG Jewellers, said people are encashing gold to take advantage of the rising prices.

"Our stores in Aurangabad, Nanded, Sangli-Kolhapur, Jalna and Vidarbha are witnessing heavy flow of recycled gold. There is also a strong sentiment in the that gold prices will shoot up going ahead," he said.

Electronics recycling center proposed for Cumberland County

MIDDLESEX TOWNSHIP, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Pa. - Recycling TV's and other electronics can be a challenge for the people who want to get rid of them.

State law makes it illegal to put electronics in the trash. Recycling those items can often be a costly program for many Pennsylvania counties.

It can be difficult for people to find a new home for old TV's and other electronics in Cumberland County.

Cumberland County recycling coordinator Justin Miller said "I can't tell you the number of calls we get all the time. Largely driven by televisions. Televisions are the most challenging of the electronics."

Until it hired a contractor to do the job, the York County Solid Waste Management authority found recycling used electronics doesn't come cheap.

York County Solid Waste Authority Manager Ellen O'Connor said "had we not been able to do that, we would have been spending out of pocket, close to one million dollars this year for those expenses. What we're paying ECOvanta right now is around $8,500 a month."

A recent state law that made it illegal to dispose electronics in the trash, was supposed to make recycling better for the environment, but officials in many counties found it to do the opposite.

"Act 108 bans haulers from picking up certain electronic devices at the curb. It also bans disposal of certain electronics at any waste disposal facility in Pennsylvania," O'Connor said.

"People are finding their own disposal outlets which can be in the woods, along roads and streams, and then it's truly exposed to the environment," Miller said.

It's why Cumberland County plans to do some recycling of its own and re-purpose a county barn into a more suitable place for recycled electronics.

"Pennsylvania has a law that says manufacturers are supposed to fund electronics recycling. It's not working out very well. So what we're seeing is recyclers abandon that program and essentially go out on their own and charge fees," Miller said.

"I think it's a necessity, than 'oh let's do this.' I think counties and communities that are stepping up and saying we need to comply with the law. We need to find a way to do that. We need to be able to serve the needs of our residents," O'Connor said.

Officials said the center will charge 50 cents per pound, per item.

They propose to have the recycling center open two days a week, by late spring or early summer once commissioners approve the plan.

Adams County
There is no e-cycling program in Adams County. Residents who need to recycle electronics may take it to the Washington Township transfer station located in Franklin County.

Dauphin County
Dauphin County offers an e-cycling program for residents only.

Franklin County
According to the county's website, "Franklin County does not sponsor an organized countywide recycling system. Ongoing budgetary constraints limit the county's ability to support ancillary services."

"Currently recycling is made available through a combination of curbside and drop-off collection programs. The programs that do exist operate in 20 of the 22 municipalities."

Lancaster County
LCSWMA offers Lancaster County residents free drop-off services for household hazardous waste (HHW), including e-waste, at a drive-through hhw facility on Harrisburg Pike in Lancaster.

The HHW Facility is open 5.5 days each week, and again, is free for Lancaster County residents only. E-waste accepted at the facility includes desktop computers, laptops, printers, keyboards, speakers, televisions, and mobile devices.

York County
York County offers an electronics recycling program Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Homeboy Industries Acquires Isidore Electronics Recycling

Nonprofit Homeboy Industries has acquired Los Angeles-based Isidore Electronics Recycling, which is now dubbed Homeboy Recycling Powered by Isidore. The deal closed in November and was financed entirely by donations.

Isidore Electronics Recycling will be staffed by former inmates going through Homeboy's 18-month training program, which includes counseling, tattoo removal and other services.

Los Angeles Times has more information:

Homeboy Industries is already a salsa maker, cake baker and cafe operator. Now the Los Angeles institution, which helps the formerly incarcerated find jobs, is adding a new label to its expanding empire: recycler.

The nonprofit announced Monday that it had acquired Isidore Electronics Recycling, a downtown Los Angeles company that collects, sorts, shreds and resells gadgets including laptops and phones. The recycling center will be rebranded Homeboy Recycling Powered by Isidore (named after Saint St. Isidore, the ancient Spanish scholar considered the patron saint of computers and the Internet).


Olympic Medals for Tokyo Games Will Be Made from Recycled Electronics

Recycled electronics will go for the gold, as organizers of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics have announced their plan to source the gold, silver and bronze needed for the games' medals from discarded smartphones.

Tokyo 2020 organizers announced this month that all of the Olympic medals will be made from recycled materials. The agenda for Tokyo 2020, which is described as a "strategic roadmap" for the event, specifically calls for the inclusion of sustainability in every aspect of the games. Organizers said they are also working to engage the Japanese population in the event. As such, the committee has invited the public to participate, asking citizens to donate their discarded or obsolete electronic devices.

The project's goal is to collect about 8 tons [7.25 metric tons] of metal, which will be recycled down to about 2 tons [1.8 metric tons] - enough to produce 5,000 medals for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, according to the committee. [Top 10 Craziest Environmental Ideas]

"The life stories of so many are defined by the pursuit of these metal medallions, and those same stories are what inspire and bring millions of us together," Ashton Eaton, a U.S. decathlete and two-time Olympic gold medalist, said in a statement. "And now, thanks to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Medal Project, not only do the athletes inspire with their stories, but each medal itself has a story of its own."

Eaton said each citizen that donates is contributing to that story as well, which also helps raise awareness about sustainability and environmental issues.

Beginning in April, people in Japan will be able to find collection boxes in more than 2,400 NTT DOCOMO stores (the mobile phone company has partnered with Tokyo 2020), as well as in public offices across Japan. The collection of the recycled consumer electronics will end when the committee meets its 8-ton target.


Sell my Used Samsung in Montreal for Extracting Precious Metals

Sell my Used Samsung in Montreal for Extracting Precious Metals

Metal recovery is the most important output of recycling e-waste. All the electronic devices consist of precious and semi precious metals. These metals can be extracted from the devices during recycling and used later on for various other purposes. The waste is reduced to the minute level to be used later on. If you are still stuck with the idea of “sell my used Samsung in Montreal”, then rest assured give it someone who will recycle it to save the environment and the living beings. Montreal encourages refurbishment of old mobile phones.

The processes following which the metal recovery is done include:

· Shredding- This is also known as mechanical recycling. The electronic items are literally shredded using specialized equipment to extract metals from their body. After this is done, the materials are segregated employing vertical vibration separation, Eddy currents and magnetic field. The latest technology is used to separate iron from copper and these metals are sold for smelters and additional shredding subsequently. The less significant ones are disposed as landfills. Fine dust is another by product of the process which can be used for producing Portland cement and balance 30% of the weight. The dust particles consist of aluminium and calcium oxide with lesser amounts of lead and copper. Shredding is recommended for separating plastics from metals but is not suitable for separating PCBs from low quality metals.

· Pyrometallurgical Recovery- This is a highly technical process which entails adding concentrated copper ore to the shredded electronic waste. This is refined by using heat later on. Any kind of metal can be separated from e-waste following this process. A successful demonstration was given by Noranda process which used Copper Smelter in Canada. In this process, they treated the e-waste by adding 24% liquid copper at 1250 degree Centigrade. The process is used in converting iron, zinc and lead into oxides later separated by using silicon dioxide based slag. An anode furnace is used to refine such metals to create alloys of copper like nickel, platinum, silver, selenium, tellurium, gold and palladium containing 99.1% of the metal. Polymetallurgy is recommended for separating e-waste with high metal content. However, it is not useful for separating aluminium and other dioxins as it uses brominated flame retardants.

· Thermal Depolymerization- Decomposing organic molecules with the use of high pressure and water combined with thermal energy is the core of this method. This is usually used for making epoxies and plastic into useful oil. The solids obtained as residue from this process contains greater percentage of metals. This is a recommended process for treating e-waste consisting of high concentration of oxides.

All these processes or methods can be used for recycling electronic waste of which mobile phones are a major part and extracting metals. These metals can be used for different purposes. These are separate processes and not a chain linked to the former one. Some apt for certain kinds of e-waste while others are suitable for something else. However, the compilation does not end here. There is more to come.


Palamina : to Focus on Puno Gold Belt in Southeastern Peru

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / January 20, 2017 / Palamina Corp. (TSX-V: PA) has incorporated a 100% owned Peruvian subsidiary, Palamina S.A.C. On January 19, 2017, Palamina S.A.C. acquired the application mining rights to 23,000 hectares within the Department of Puno in southeast Peru north of Lake Titicaca. The application rights were acquired to establish a presence in a highly prospective auriferous belt which measures approximately 175 kilometres by 75 kilometres. The gold belt is bordered by Bolivia to the east and the Madre de Dios region to the north, and contains numerous orogenic gold showings. Palamina, in the belief that this region has considerable potential to contain significant orogenic gold deposits, has acquired the rights to five mining concessions within the belt.

Andrew Thomson, President and C.E.O. of Palamina Corp. stated, "Palamina is exploring for significant gold deposits in the Puno gold belt in southeastern Peru. Mineralized gold structures located within this emerging gold belt in the eastern Andes have been exploited by artisanal and small-scale miners for decades. These gold-bearing structures are thought to be the source of extensive alluvial gold deposits located in the low-lying Madre de Dios region to the north. Gold production from these alluvial deposits, as reported to the Peruvian Ministry of Mines for 2016, was in excess of 500,000 ounces of gold."

The Puno gold belt occurs within a larger belt of orogenic gold deposits which extends from northern Argentina, through Bolivia and the Puno belt and up to the Pataz region, located approximately 900 km to the north of the Puno belt in north-central Peru. Gold mineralization in the Puno region occurs as tabular zones of quartz veining in fine-grained metamorphosed sedimentary rocks. Tabular zones may occur as discrete, stacked bedding-parallel horizons within the host rock. Mineralization consists of native gold in veins, veinlets and microveinlets and metallurgical recoveries are typically high.

Concession applications in five separate mineralized areas were acquired; the Gaban, Cori, Coasa, Orco and Sandia project areas. Palamina has established an office in Lima and is in the process of prioritizing the claim application areas. During the next six months Palamina plans to evaluate each area and to prioritize them based on their geological potential.

A location map may be viewed at:


Mr. Steven T. Priesmeyer, C.P.G., is Vice President Exploration for Palamina Corp. He is a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101 and he has reviewed the geological contents of this press release.

About Palamina Corp.

Palamina is directed by a group of proven mine finders focused on securing mining assets in the America's with the potential to make significant discoveries. Palamina has acquired the application rights to five areas in the Puno gold belt and one project in the coastal I.O.C.G. belt in Southern Peru and holds 100% interest in three exploration projects in Mexico. Palamina has 22,574,713 shares outstanding and trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol PA.

Andrew Thomson, President
or visit www.palamina.com

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This communication to shareholders and the public contains certain forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such statements. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, including, without limitations statements regarding future production, are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

SOURCE: Palamina Corp.


UBC researchers develop flowsheet for LED bulb recycling

UBC researchers develop flowsheet for LED bulb recycling

VANCOUVER (miningweekly.com) - Researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) have developed a flowsheet to extract copper, lead, zinc, silver and small amounts of rare earth metals, including lutetium, cerium and europium, as well as the 'technology metals' gallium and indium from discarded light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs.

Mineral processing engineer Dr Maria Holuszko and her PhD student, Amit Kumar, have found a way to make LEDs even more environment-friendly, developing a technology that could help in keeping industrial and precious metals out of landfills.

"This mining of metals from waste streams is what 'urban mining' is about. While urban mining, even at its most efficient, can probably only meet about a quarter of the current demand for metals, it can complement traditional mining and do the environment good at the same time," states Holuszko in an email interview.

She explains that the recycling flowsheet processes use crushing, grinding and other simple physical processes to recover valuable metals in an economic and environmentally safe manner. The methods are based on material properties, such as density, electrical conductivity, shape and size, resulting in simple, clean and economical processing.

"Our methods resulted in capturing higher amounts of recoverable, valuable metals in the final sample. The copper content alone was at 65%, compared with the 30% or 40% copper content usually obtained from ore in traditional mine processing. The lead content was 6%, zinc was 4.5% and silver was 1 640 ppm - pretty good concentrations. Eventually, we also hope to use this workflow to find a way to recover gold in significant amounts," Holuszko says.

The researchers plan to scale the process, and have to date conducted a test run of the process in collaboration with Contact Environmental, British Columbia's largest lamp recycler, located in Richmond.

"We've proven that it works, with significant amounts of copper, lead, zinc and silver being recovered and kept out of landfills. We plan to improve the recovery of metals even further and eventually implement this processing on a larger scale in 2017, with funding support from research not-for-profit Mitacs," she said.

Further, electronic waste from old computers, cellphones, LED lights and other electronic devices is a growing problem for North American communities and also for developing countries that process waste.

"If we can extract the maximum amount of material from e-waste, we would make it easier and safer to recycle. We will be able to limit other communities' exposure to potentially toxic materials, while also recovering valuable minerals. My dream is to find a way to close the cycle so that in the future, there is zero waste," Holuszko says.

Platinum ETFS for 2017

Platinum is difficult to buy and keep physically. However, investors can buy exchange-traded funds (ETFs ) that specialize in platinum. In addition to being a rare precious metal, there is great demand for platinum because it is used in car parts and electrical circuitry and even has some medical uses. Of course, platinum jewelry is also popular.

Platinum has been experiencing a price decline in recent years, but several events may boost platinum in the near future. Many platinum mines have closed and this has limited supply. If demand continues to be strong, the imbalance between supply and demand could mean a rise in price for the precious metal. Also, Asian financial institutions have decided to increase their buying of platinum to mitigate volatility in the equity markets. (See also: These Charts Suggest Now Is the Time to Buy Platinum.)

We have selected the top three platinum ETFs based on year-to-date returns as of December 31, 2016. We also looked for a variety of approaches for investing in platinum to give investors broader choices.

ETFs Physical Platinum (PPLT)

PPLT is the strongest choice for gaining exposure to the price of physical platinum. Buying shares in this ETF gives the investor nearly the same return as actual platinum would, minus fund expenses. Note that the expense ratio is 0.60%.

Investors tend to use PPLT to avoid exposure to the futures market while gaining exposure to platinum. The fund buys and holds platinum bars and stores them in vaults.

PPLT is the biggest platinum fund by trading volume. It does not pay a dividend because it only holds platinum bullion.

• Avg. Volume: 55,563

• Net Assets: $481.02 million

• Yield: 0.00%

• YTD Return: 1.88%

• Expense Ratio: 0.60%

• Inception Date: January 1, 2010

• Since Inception: -7.51%

UBS E-Tracs CMCI Long Platinum Total Return ETN (PTM)

PTM is actually an exchange-traded note (ETN) that gives investors exposure to the platinum futures markets. It attempts to mimic the UBS Bloomberg CMCI Platinum Total Return Index. The futures contracts have a maturity of three months. PTM holds a basket of futures contracts with varying expiration months to mitigate risk.

PTM is not very liquid because it trades around 10,000 shares per day. Note that an ETN is a debt security, so anyone interested in this fund should examine the creditworthiness of the entity issuing the note.

• Avg. Volume: 10,569

• Net Assets: $19.16 million

• Yield: 0.00%

• YTD Return: 1.37%

• Expense Ratio: 0.65%

• Inception Date: May 8, 2008

• Since Inception: -10.07%

iPath Bloomberg Platinum Subindex Total Return (PGM)

PGM offers a different approach to the platinum futures market. It tracks the Bloomberg Platinum Sub-index Total Return. This index holds a futures contract on platinum in the nearest contract month. It may also hold U.S. Treasury bills.

The low average volume indicates that PGM is not very liquid.

• Avg. Volume: 598

• Net Assets: $6.89 million

• Yield: 0.00%

• YTD Return: 0.85%

• Expense Ratio: 0.75%

• Inception Date: June 24, 2008

• Since Inception: -10.43%

Bottom Line

PGM and PTM do not create new shares, primarily because they are ETNs. This can lead to overvaluation of these two entities. Creating new shares tends to reduce the price of an ETF, but since ETNs seldom issue new shares, there are no new issues to counter the rise in share prices. However, investors who are interested in platinum can buy existing shares of these two ETNs.

PPLT is an actual ETF with numerous shares available. Clearly, the opportunities here are for those who think the limited supply in the face of steady or increasing demand will raise the price of this commodity. (See also: A Beginner's Guide To Precious Metals.)

Buying into platinum would most certainly be considered speculative at this point, so this ETF and the ETNs might not be suitable for the major portion of investment assets an investor may have. A careful allocation strategy, however, could make an investment in platinum a reasonable risk.


Recycle Technology and Spot Energy Commodities

In an effort to drive down the cost of technologies needed to reuse, recycle and re-manufacture materials such as metals, fibers, polymers and electronic waste, the Energy Department has announced the creation of its Reducing Embodied-energy and Decreasing Emissions Institute.

REMADE is part of the Manufacturing USA initiative, aimed at achieving a 50 % improvement in overall energy efficiency by 2027.

Headquartered in Rochester, New York, REMADE will leverage up to $70 million in federal funding, subject to appropriations.

In 2016, the spot energy index in the S&P Goldman Sachs Commodity Index rose more than any other commodity group, some 48 %, according to data from the Energy Information Administration.

Among individual commodities, zinc, natural gas, crude oil and diesel saw larger percentage increases than all other commodities.

EIA notes that commodity price movements for 2016 were influenced by global economic growth as well as by commodity-specific supply-side factors.

Urban mining': UBC engineers say e-waste more lucrative than ore pulled from the ground

Electronic waste is proving to be a far richer source of valuable metals than any ore pulled from the ground, according to mining engineers at the University of British Columbia.

PhD student Amit Kumar and professor Maria Holuszko have succeeded in "mining" copper and silver from LED lights, and they are certain that rare earth metals such as europium, cerium and lutetium can also be recovered.

Light Emitting Diodes are gaining popularity as a highly efficient alternative to incandescent and fluorescent lights and represent an increasing proportion of e-waste and a potential source of metal pollution, said Holuszko.

"We believe that within three years there will be enough LEDs in the waste stream to make this viable," said Kumar. "And if we don't do it, they will all end up in the landfill."

What makes the LED recycling process tricky is that lights are made of fused composite materials that blend plastics and metals with a variety of other compounds that cannot simply be pulled apart.

But if LEDs are ground up fine enough, the material isn't much different from a high quality ore, though one with a variety of metals and industrial materials to be recovered.

"We are using techniques like the ones employed by the mining industry, mainly physical processes that exploit the weight, density and conductivity of the metals to separate them from other materials," said Kumar. "So far we haven't needed to use any chemicals, so it's a very clean process."

The researchers employ gravity, electrostatic separation, and other non-chemical methods to separate metals from each other and from binding materials.

Processed samples contain up to 65 per cent recoverable copper - far higher than processed ore - along with 4.5 per cent zinc and 1,640 parts per million of silver.

"Eventually, we also hope to use this workflow to find a way to recover gold in significant amounts," said Holuszko.

Recovering rare earth metals will likely be accomplished with a chemical process, but only the small amount of material that remains after the common metals are removed would need to be treated, said Kumar.

A successful test run of the process with Richmond's Contact Environmental recovered copper, zinc, lead and silver, according to Holuszko. The next step is to find an industrial partner interested in investing in a real-world pilot program.

"We have a grant from (non-profit innovation funding agency) Mitacs, but it's not enough without a private partner," she said.


Tipping point: China named top contributor to 'e-waste' mountain rising in Asia

The waste from old electronic gadgets and appliances has reached severe levels in East Asia, posing a growing threat to health and the environment unless safe disposal becomes the norm.

A customer browses a web page showing a fire-damaged Samsung Note 7 mobile phone, on a similar device, at a Samsung store. Photo: AFP

China was the biggest culprit with its electronic waste more than doubling, according to a new study by the United Nations University. But nearly every country in the region had massive increases between 2010 and 2015, including those least equipped to deal with the growing mountain of discarded smartphones, computers, TVs, air conditioners and other goods.

On average, electronic waste in the 12 countries in the study had increased by nearly two thirds in the five years, totaling 12.3 million tonnes in 2015 alone.

Second-hand electronics sold on a street in Bangkok. Photo: AP

Rising incomes in Asia, burgeoning populations of young adults, rapid obsolescence of products due to technological innovation and changes in fashion, on top of illegal global trade in waste, are among factors driving the increases.

“Consumers in Asia now replace their gadgets more frequently. In addition, many products are designed for low cost production, but not necessarily repair, refurbishment or easy recycling,” said the study. It urges governments to enact specific laws for management of electronic waste or rigorously enforce existing legislation.

Only South Korea, Taiwan and Japan have long established recycling systems based on laws introduced in the 1990s. Open dumping of lead- and mercury-laden components, open burning of plastics to release encased copper and unsafe backyard operations to extract precious metals are the norm in most countries including Indonesia, Thailand and Cambodia, which also lack laws governing the treatment of electronic and electrical waste.

A worker repairs used electronic equipment at a shop in Kuala Lumpur. Photo: AP

The study said open burning and unsafe recycling is associated with a slew of health problems for workers and communities near recycling operations They include infertility, childhood development problems, impaired lung function, liver and kidney damage, inheritable genetic damage and mental health problems.

Backyard recyclers are after gold, silver, palladium and copper, mainly from printed circuit boards, but the crude acid bath extraction process releases toxic fumes and is also inefficient, recovering only a portion of the valuable material.

Asia as a whole is the biggest market for electronics and appliances, accounting for nearly half of global sales by volume, and produces the most waste.

Guiyu, a heavily-polluted rural town in China that specialises in dismantling consumer electronics, some of it exported from rich countries, has become synonymous with the costs of a throwaway high-tech world.

Second-hand electronics for sale in Bangkok. Photo: AP

China has cleaned up Guiyu and other centres like it but the Basel Action Network, which brought Guiyu to international attention, said most of the dangerous practices continue in Guiyu albeit concentrated within a new industrial park on its outskirts.

Ruediger Kuehr, one of the study’s authors, said the amount of waste being generated is higher than governments estimate, partly because of their narrower definitions, and should be a wake-up call to policymakers and consumers.

“We are all benefiting from the luxury of these electrical and electronic products to a certain extent, it makes our lives easier, sometimes more complicated,” he said. “However if we want to continue like this we must be reusing the resources contained in electronic and electrical equipment.”

A smartphone, for example, uses more than half the elements in the periodic table, some of which are very rare, and in the longer-run will be exhausted without recycling, said Kuehr.


Top Precious Metal Stocks to Buy in 2017

Top Precious Metal Stocks to Buy in 2017

It's time to buy some precious metal stocks. Image source: Getty Images.

The phrase "precious metals" usually conjures up images of gold and silver, but the category also includes platinum and palladium. These metals are rare, economically valuable, and act as a hedge against inflation and uncertainty, which is why precious metal stocks soared in 2016 - a year fraught with unpredictable events. 2017 might be no different, so it's a good idea to consider precious metal investing today if you still haven't. If you're wondering where to start, here are five top precious metal stocks for 2017:

• Gold: Barrick Gold Corporation (NYSE:ABX)

• Silver: Hecla Mining Company (NYSE:HL)

• Silver and gold: Silver Wheaton Corp. (NYSE:SLW)

• Silver: Coeur MiningInc. (NYSE:CDE)

• Gold, platinum, and palladium: Sibanye GoldLtd.(NYSE:SBGL)

I've chosen these stocks based on their inherent competitive advantages and growth potential, which I believe are strong enough to drive them even higher after a solid rally last year.

SLW data by YCharts.

Read along to decide which stock best suits your appetite.

Barrick Gold

2016 can be called a turnaround year for Barrick. During its last quarter, the gold miner turned a profit of $175 million compared with a loss of $264 million in Q3 2015, upgraded its full-year gold production guidance, lowered its full-year all-in-sustaining-costs (AISC) guidance to $740-$775 per ounce, and confirmed its debt reduction target of $2 billion for 2016. Now, that kind of report packs a punch and should make any investor bullish about the miner.

What's more, Barrick aims to remain free-cash-flow positive at gold prices as low as $1,000 per ounce. It generated solid FCF worth $1.5 billion in the trailing 12 months despite losses as it optimized capital spending. If Barrick's FCF continues to trend higher, which I believe it will, investors can even expect a dividend raise going forward. As Barrick strives to cut down its AISC to $700 per ounce by 2019 to remain the lowest-cost producer in the industry, shareholders should be rewarded along the way.

Hecla Mining

Hecla's incredible rally in 2016 wasn't a fluke: The silver miner had a lot going for it. Hecla's revenue hit a record high in Q3 and jumped 47% during the nine months ended Sept. 30, 2016, as recent project expansions paid off. Hecla just released its preliminary full-year numbers: Its gold and silver production jumped 48% and 24%, respectively, to hit record highs in 2016. Hecla isn't resting on its laurels, though. It plans to ramp up production further this year and also has acquisitions on its radar, which should push its cash margins even higher.

Image source: Hecla Mining.

Higher production and lower costs are also boosting Hecla's cash flows, so much so that its FCF came in at around $38 million for the trailing 12 months compared to negative $31 million in 2015. That's a dramatic turnaround and sets the pace for another strong year for Hecla.

Coeur Mining

Coeur's story is similar to Hecla's: rising production, declining costs, and expanding cash flow. Coeur's silver equivalent production hit record highs of 36.3 million ounces in 2016. Here are two numbers you should know: Coeur's production has grown 50% since 2014, and the company is targeting 9% higher production at the midpoint of 2017 as it ramps up its primary mine at Palmarejo, Mexico.

Palmarejo could, in fact, be a game-changer, as Franco Nevada recently struck an agreement with Coeur to purchase 50% of the mine's production at $800 per ounce, almost twice the amount it paid under the old agreement. That should mean rapid growth for Coeur's free cash flow, which hit multiyear highs of $42 million during the trailing 12 months. Meanwhile, Coeur also lowered its debt by 21% in Q3 - a trend I expect will continue in coming quarters. As production and cash flow rise, so should Coeur's stock.

Silver Wheaton

As a streaming company that doesn't own mines but buys bullion from other miners at prices substantially below spot rates - its average purchase cost is only about $4 per ounce of silver and $400 per ounce of gold - Silver Wheaton's margins are the best in the industry.

SLW Operating Margin (TTM) data by YCharts.

The biggest catalyst for Silver Wheaton is gold, which should make up 45% of its production by 2020. Higher gold production sent Silver Wheaton's operating cash flow jumping 62% year over year in Q3, encouraging the company to increase its dividend by 20%. So you can imagine the growth potential Silver Wheaton can unlock for its investors in 2017 and beyond as it increases its exposure to gold. At 15 times price-to-operating cash flow per share, the stock is also cheaper than that of streaming peers Franco Nevada and Royal Gold, making it a top pick today.

Sibanye Gold

The primary reason this African gold miner has made it on my list is its impending acquisition of Stillwater Mining - the largest and lowest-cost primary producer of platinum and palladium in the U.S. - in an all-cash deal worth $2.2 billion. As these metals have diverse uses across key industries including automotive, electronics, and petroleum refining, a boost in infrastructure spending in the U.S. and a recovery in the oil and gas markets could be a big boon for Sibanye. In fact, the palladium industry is already facing a supply crunch - a factor that has sent palladium prices soaring in recent months.

Sibanye expects the acquisition to be immediately accretive and is confident of maintaining stable dividends going forward. Sibanye paid out a hefty interim dividend last year and currently yields an eye-popping 6%. That dividend, and the tremendous growth potential in the palladium markets, makes Sibanye a top pick for 2017.


Gov. Christie Signs Bill to Revamp New Jersey's E-Waste Recycling Program

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has signed a bill to revamp the state's current e-waste recycling program, which safely disposes old televisions, computers and other electronic equipment. With the new bill, electronic manufacturers will be responsible for the cost and obligation of recycling e-waste.

In the past, towns and counties across the state would cover the cost to recycle e-waste in the event that manufacturers stopped paying for the disposal. But now, towns and counties won't have to worry about coming up with additional funds for e-waste disposal.

NJ Spotlight has more details:

Gov. Chris Christie yesterday signed a bill to overhaul the state's e-waste recycling program, a step advocates say will ensure the safe disposal of old televisions, computers, and other electronic equipment.

The legislation (S-981) is designed to put the onus on electronic manufacturers to bear the cost and obligation of recycling e-waste, which includes in many cases toxic materials such as lead.

Ringing in the New Year with a Bullish Case for Gold

You could say gold miners struck gold in 2016. The group, as measured by the NYSE Arca Gold Miners Index, finished the year up an amazing 55 percent, handily beating all other asset classes shown below.

Miners were followed by commodities at 25 percent and silver at 15 percent. Gold finished up 8.6 percent, its first positive year since 2012, when it gained 7.1 percent. (Keep your eyes peeled for our forthcoming annual periodic table of commodity returns, one of our perennially popular pieces!)

I find it curious that many in the financial media continue to have a bias against gold, even though it generated better returns in 2016 than 10-year Treasuries and the U.S. dollar, which performed half as well. And when it was up as much as 28 percent in the summer, they still didn’t have anything positive to say, arguing it had gone up too much.

(Gold traders, on the other hand, have a much different opinion about the metal right now. A group of traders recently surveyed by Bloomberg revealed they are the most bullish on gold since the end of 2015, soon before it rallied in its best first half of the year since 1974. The traders cited geopolitical concerns, both in the U.S. and Europe, as well as stronger demand in 2017.)

And isn’t it interesting that the same media figures who are biased against gold are usually the same ones who seem to have only disparaging things to say about Brexit and President-elect Donald Trump? What they don’t realize is that if Brexit and Trump succeed, so too do the U.K. and the U.S. Are they hoping Brexit and Trump will fail so they can be proved right?

The smart people realize personal politics must be put aside. Despite supporting Hillary Clinton during the primaries, Warren Buffett now says he is behind the president-elect—because he knows that if the U.S. does well, he does well too. Despite campaigning hard against Trump, President Barack Obama says now we should all be rooting for Trump, regardless of our politics.

Negative Real Rates Should Drive Gold Prices

But back to gold. Coming up on January 28, we have the Chinese New Year, when demand for the yellow metal historically has risen, along with prices. This will be the year of the fire rooster, one of whose lucky colors is gold.

Throughout 2017, the precious metal should be supported by even deeper negative real rates, which could fall to their lowest level in two years as inflation outpaces nominal interest rate increases, according to UBS. In October, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen suggested there might be some benefit in allowing inflation to exceed the central bank’s target rate of 2 percent before another hike is considered, which is good news for gold. Numerous times in the past I’ve shown that the yellow metal has tended to rise when real rates—what you get when you subtract inflation from the federal funds rate—fell into negative territory.

“Federal Reserve interest rate hikes could weigh on gold prices in the near term,” according to UBS’s house view. “But as real rates fall more deeply into negative territory through the next year, we expect prices to rise toward $1,350 an ounce.”

Gold Extremely Undervalued

Since Election Day, domestic stocks have rallied 6.5 percent while gold has dropped as much as 7.6 percent. What this means is gold is looking extremely undervalued compared to the S&P 500, which should appeal to value investors.

Look at the gold-to-S&P 500 ratio below. The lower the ratio, the more undervalued the metal is compared to blue-chip stocks. In fact, gold is at its most undervalued in at least 10 years right now.

Technically, gold still appears oversold, down almost one standard deviation now. As you can see, it’s moving back to its mean for the 60-day period, but there’s still time to capture potential growth.

Commodities Show Resilience Despite Strengthening U.S. Dollar

Commodities were the second-best asset class last year because manufacturers and trade are showing improvement.

Global manufacturing expanded for the fourth straight month in December, reaching 52.7, its highest reading since February 2014. The individual U.S., Germany, Japan, and eurozone PMIs all hit their highest posts in at least a year, building on a strengthening uptrend that’s been in place since September. International trade volume expansion hit a 27-month high, according to Markit. And despite the “negative” consequence of Brexit, the U.K. Manufacturing PMI posted an amazing 56.1, up from 53.4 in November.

As for commodities, I’m pleased they’ve shown resilience in the face of a strengthening U.S. dollar. CLSA analyst Christopher Wood touched on this very topic in his recent edition of “GREED and fear,” writing that “the renewed dollar strength post Trump’s victory has not been accompanied by renewed commodity weakness. Rather the reverse has happened, with copper rallying, for example, on presumed hopes of increased demand triggered by Trump’s infrastructure policies.”

China’s commodities trading volume has also been impressive, maintaining its rank as the world’s heaviest for the seventh consecutive year.

Of course, price appreciation for commodities and natural resources is inflationary for consumer goods. Because of possibly rising gasoline prices, U.S. drivers are expected to spend about $52 billion more at the gas pump this year compared to 2016, according to GasBuddy’s 2017 Fuel Price Outlook. Three-dollar gas will likely become a reality again in several large cities, including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Seattle.

Whatever you end up paying, make it a point this year to stay optimistic. Not only does being optimistic help you stay healthy, both mentally and physically, but it also allows you to see the opportunities that others might not.

The NYSE Arca Gold Miners Index is a modified market capitalization weighted index comprised of publicly traded companies involved primarily in the mining for gold and silver. The S&P 500 Stock Index is a widely recognized capitalization-weighted index of 500 common stock prices in U.S. companies. The Dow Jones Commodity Index is a broad measure of the commodity futures market that emphasizes diversification and liquidity through a simple, straightforward, equal-weighted approach.The MSCI Emerging Markets Index is an index created by Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) designed to measure equity market performance in global emerging markets. It is a float-adjusted market capitalization index that consists of indices in 23 emerging economies: Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Russia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.

Standard deviation is a measure of the dispersion of a set of data from its mean. The more spread apart the data, the higher the deviation. Standard deviation is also known as historical volatility.

The J.P. Morgan Global Purchasing Manager’s Index is an indicator of the economic health of the global manufacturing sector. The PMI index is based on five major indicators: new orders, inventory levels, production, supplier deliveries and the employment environment.

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